If your pet is taking a medication to manage a long-term condition, It is important for you to understand that each of our vets must comply with prescribing regulations. Our vets at Killarney Vale Veterinary Clinic on the Central Coast can only provide prescription animal remedy (schedule 4) medications or other restricted drugs if they are satisfied that:
In order to supply medication, our vets must be satisfied that:
In a practical way, this means your pet will require a regular examination to review their medication. For some medications, blood tests or other testing will be indicated—these will be discussed with you. For most stable conditions, a six-monthly examination will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements to continue to supply medication. However, chronic conditions such as congestive heart failure will require more frequent examination.
We will be unable to provide you with prescription medication if we have not examined your pet in the last six months. It’s important to note that our veterinary nurses cannot legally supply prescription medication. They need to obtain the approval of the treating veterinarian. This means it may take 24 hours or more to prepare your pet’s medication.
For more information, contact our team on
(02) 4334 2002.
Please remember, it is your responsibility to book your appointments in a timely fashion. We will do our best to provide you with reminders of when your medication review appointment is due. We can provide a short-term supply of medication to get you through to your appointment.
If you are visiting the Central Coast, we will either need to contact your regular veterinarian to obtain authorisation to supply your medication, or we will need to examine your pet. Likewise, if you are our client and out of area, a veterinarian will need to either contact us or examine your pet.
Contact our friendly team today for bookings and enquiries.
ABN - 44 092 456 614
Killarney Vale Veterinary Clinic